Relieve Muscle and Joint Pain by Stopping Trigger Points

Relieve Muscle and Joint Pain by Stopping Trigger Points

Struggling with Knee Pain? Turn to Physical Therapy

Muscle and joint pain can be one of the biggest limiting factors in life. Sleep, exercise, work, and your social life can all become stressful and difficult because of this persistent pain. One of the big causes of chronic muscle and joint pain are trigger points.

What are trigger points?

A trigger point is an area of muscle that becomes hypersensitive and tightens up. When this muscle is activated, it can cause pain in the affected muscle. However it can also refer pain to other areas of your body. For example, a trigger point in your neck can refer pain to your shoulder and a trigger point in your thigh can refer pain to your knee. Sometimes the trigger point is so sensitive that it even creates pain at rest when you’re not moving.

Trigger points can be caused by a number of things. Often, they happen when a muscle is needed to work harder than it is used to. For example, if you are running and increase your mileage too fast in too short a period of time, you may get a trigger point in one of your leg, thigh, or hip muscles. If you work at a computer all day with bad posture, trigger points can develop in your shoulder, neck, and back muscles.

The Trigger Point Solution

Getting rid of trigger points for good requires two things:

  1. Treating the trigger point to relieve the pain
  2. Identifying the underlying cause of the trigger point so it doesn’t come back

You can sometimes treat the trigger point and relieve pain yourself at home. Stretching, foam rolling, self massage devices can all be used to relieve the pain from trigger points. One example in the video below is foam rolling the quad muscle. You can do this to help relieve thigh and knee pain.

If you’re doing it correctly, it should be sore but not excruciating. Only do this for 1-2 minutes per muscle and no more than 1-2 times per day. Too much can make the muscle more sensitive and make you hurt worse.

Identifying the underlying cause is the next step. Let’s say you just started running for exercise after taking a couple months off and you immediately ran 6 miles as your first run. That could have overworked your quad muscle and caused the trigger point. The foam rolling example above would be one way to work on resolving the trigger point.

To make sure you don’t get this trigger point again, you would want to do some quadriceps and hip strengthening exercises. These will make sure those muscles are strong enough to run as far as you want. You would also want to start running again at a lower mileage, say 2-3 miles, and gradually work back up to 6 miles.

How Physical Therapy Can Help

If you’ve tried some of the tips above and you’re still having pain or you’d like an expert opinion, we can help! A Solutions Physical Therapy & Sports Medicine physical therapist can perform a thorough evaluation to identify what’s causing your pain and the underlying cause.

We can use specialized techniques like Graston technique and dry needling to address trigger points in ways you can’t get anywhere else. Most importantly, we can show you how to keep trigger points from coming back so you can live your life without pain.

Call us at 703-299-3111, or click here and a member of our team will schedule an evaluation with one of our expert physical therapists.

Working to keep you living your best life,

The Solutions Physical Therapy & Sports Medicine Team