Hurting when your at the computer? Here’s how to stop it.

Hurting when your at the computer? Here’s how to stop it.

shoulder pain

If you’re in pain when you work at the computer, then you’re like many people we see at Solutions Physical Therapy & Sports Medicine. Even if you have a great ergonomic chair and desk set up, our bodies weren’t made to sit in one position for long periods of time. When this whether you can’t get a plate out of kitchen cabinet, or you’ve stopped pressing overhead in the gym, shoulder pain can really impact your life. The good news is, there are some easy things you can do to reach and lift without shoulder pain and get your life back again.

To reach and lift without shoulder pain, you really need to know what is causing it. The shoulder and shoulder blade connect to theo thoracic spine (your mid and upper back). When the thoracic spine is stiff, your shoulder blade can’t rotate the way it needs to.


When the shoulder blade can’t rotate properly, the rotator cuff tendons get pinched between the humerus and part of the shoulder blade called the Acromion process.

Acromion process

Over time, this pinching of the rotator cuff tendons starts to wear aware at the tendons and cause pain.

Getting your thoracic spine to be less stiff and your shoulder blade muscles strong are keys to stopping this pinching and keeping your shoulder healthy and pain free.

The good news is there are simple exercises you can do to make these improvements and reach and lift without shoulder pain again.

3 simple exercises to reduce your Shoulder Pain

Thoracic Extension Mobilization

This is a great exercise to improve thoracic spine mobility. You can use a rolled up towel or a full foam roller if you don’t have a half roller like the one shown. You should feel some stretching or pressure right over your upper back.

Breath in and out 2 times when in the bottom position. Then crunch back up, pause for a second and lower back down. 1 sets of 10 of these 1-2 times day to get the fastest result.

Tall Kneeling Trunk Rotation

This a great exercise to do to break up your day if you are sitting at a computer for work. It can help to get your upper back moving again as well as turn on some of the shoulder blade muscles that shut off when you sit for awhile.

To do this exercise correctly, keep your hips pushed forward and your chest opened up the entire time you are turning your trunk.

You should feel this working in your butt muscles as well as the upper back.

Turn as far as you can and hold that position for 5 seconds, then repeat to the opposite side. Do 10-15 reps to each side.

Prone T

Prone T’s help you strengthen the muscles that control your shoulder blades. Keeping these strong makes puts less stress on your rotator cuff muscles and reduces pain.

You don’t need to lie on a fancy table like this video shows. You can do this lying on your bed or on the floor.

The most important part is getting your elbows as high off the floor as possible.

Hold for 5 seconds at the top and then return to the start position. Start with 2 sets of 10 every other day and work up to 3 sets of 10.

None of the exercises above should make your shoulder pain worse.

If you’ve tried these and you’re still hurting, we can help you!

At Solutions Physical Therapy & Sports Medicine, our physical therapists are experts at treating shoulder pain and will develop a plan to help you stop it.

Call us at 703-299-3111, or click here to request an appointment.

A member of our team will schedule you an appointment with one of our expert physical therapists.

What happens if you don’t try have a plan to stop pain at the computer?

  • You can’t sleep at night because your shoulder hurts
  • You’re asking for help to do simple chores because your shoulder hurts
  • You stop working out in the gym to avoid pain, leading to other diseases and injuries

But WITH a plan to reach and lift without shoulder pain you can live the life you want again.

The exercises above are a great way to get started. They don’t require a ton of time and are pretty easy to do correctly. They can help you get moving and living an active life again.

But if you want an expert to listen to your unique problems and guide you to success, a Solutions Physical Therapy & Sports Medicine physical therapist will create a plan specifically for you.

You’ll feel confident that you have the knowledge and ability to stop back pain and do all the things you want.

Call us at 703-299-3111, or click here to schedule your appointment and start your path to healing.

Working to keep you living your best life,

The Solutions Physical Therapy & Sports Medicine Team

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